YEBO! Training Session 4 - Research visibility and capacity

YEBO! 4th training session was hosted by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town, South Africa, from 10-13 March 2020. It had a specific focus on research visibility and capacity and involved academics, administrative staff, but also students who got to learn from YEBO partners and external stakeholders experts how to bring a wider exposure to the results of their research.

The presentations and training documents used during the session are available for download here below:

Research Integrity and Ethics, by Maléne Fouché (Stellenbosch University) – Basic research ethics principles and South African legislative environment governing research with human and animal participants

Handbook on Individual Fellowship, from Net4Mobility+ network

Visibility of research and the researcher, by Prof. René Pellissier (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) – Why should anyone care about your research?

Ecosystem of academic ethics. How to ensure its functionality? By Prof. Vaidotas Vaisis (Vilnius Tech)

YEBO Grant Writing Workshop, by Dr Dheshnie Keswell (University of Cape Town) – Pratical session on planning your research project, from Gantt chart to budget

General Principles of Funding: Dos and Don’ts, by Dr Gaelle Ramon (University of Cape Town)